Yup...I wrote this today as tribute to all best friends.. I have BFF in my lifes...yes..every people have it :)..And I feel lucky to have them in my life..They cheer me up, sometimes hurt me.. yes..they like my soulmates...and I love them ...so much...
Some of my BFF ..time and distance separate us... sometimes..I confess that I rare to contact with them..but lucky to have them..
Okay it's difficult to found my photos with friends in high school cause you know..it means no digital..we used polaroid photos..hehehe..so..lucky my I keep contact with my friends in High School..they're my best friends..
Here my BFF from High School:
Me,Tefa,Cibul,Sally at Cibul W'Day-May2009 |
Who's foot? see the person below :) |
Gia, Tefa, Cibul, Me - Jan 2009 - |
Cibul: We always sit together, who taught me and push me ate pizza.. make me mad and then smile again..:)
Tefa: When in high school, I think more than 2 boys like her..
Sally: My smart girt..my smart friend..she's a doctor now :)
Only 3 persons. We're such a great team...a lot of fun we had..
Gia: My Classmate HS also, but we close become BFF after the reunion time ...2 years ago :)
And I also have some best friends Forever in college:
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Alined, Dave, Me, Brayn, Eka - Jkt 2003 - |
Me and Moren in Jq W'day - Feb2008- |
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Linda, Glo, Me at Glo prewed Jul 2010 -They my office roommate - |
Grace: My roommate, and she is friends since junior high..become BFF when we in one room in dormitory
Linda: I met her coz she is BFF with Eka, and we're become BFF, now we meet everyday, my coworker :)
Eka: Become BFF when we're in summer, class in typing, love her kindness :) until now we still contact :)
Moren: she's always be a good BFF who always open her sister's house to become my place every lunch time when I'm as outsider..not in dormitory :)
When I work I've got BFF also...from co-worker become BFF:
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Madam Meis, Ita, Vina, Me at Willy's W'Day - Nov 2010 - |
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Ita, Me, Lita and Maria at Glo's W'day -Nov2010- |
both me and Ita -the longest BFF I've have :) |
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Rusdy, Me and Maria, Lunch at Mantos - Sep2010 - |
Madam Meis: She's my best advisor ever...so wise...
Bobby: My BFF and my enemy..LOL..fight everytime but "baikan" everytime :) he's my "cukong" LOL
Vina: My Bo' myBFF, ..I'm the first person she knew when she came, Lucky me!It's make us BFF
Audy: My very good, patience, and never complain to me..LOL...
Heidy: She's my smart friend..the brave one.Miss her so much..I really loss her contact. Miss u much Heidy..
K Lita: My best share...my BFF after office hour..always go out with her
Maria: Lovely BFF...my BFF after office hour..always go out with her
Grace K: My coffee BFF..we're coffee lover!!Also interest more about photography because of her :)
Gloria: My office room-mate..we always share together..and she was my college friend
Anita: She's not just met at office. She's my neighbour since born :) but become BFF since we're SS teacher (HS) and prayer friend team...
Rusdy: BFF New comer ... my autis friend...LOL he's a singer record label an known as Rusly...wahaha.
And When I'm in Post Graduate school I found 2 BFF:
Graduation Day me and Icha - Dec2009- |
Eney and Me - 2008 - |
Eney: We've BFF since college..LOL...actually when he "close" with my BFF , and met again as classmate
Yes..They're my BFF..they know all my secrets...they know when i'm sad and crying...they my everything...
They are always besides me, even some of then we've separate by a distance, but to remember our time together..to know they're are okay, to tell them everything..or smile together..Make me comforts...
To my BFF which are far away with me..Just know, I Miss you so much, and want to back at our time together..LOL...:) I hope we can meet and spend time togehter..Keep contact .. I love you..Here quote for you :"Good friends are like stars.... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there
My Best Friends Forever are my soulmates. Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you. They are not perfect but are always perfect for you.
My best friends are always cheer me up, keep my spirit, and always together with me :)
When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there
"True friends are very difficult to find, hard to leave, and impossible to forget just remember"
"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart”
Yesterday, when I am down...they're with me... they message me, encourage me, listen to me, having a hot chocolate and dinner together just want to listen my problem..Ah..so sweet of you,
I like the quotes from them like this,
Dearest our beloved sista vanny…
Be strong and take courage
Do not fear or be dismayed
For the Lord will go before you
And His light will show the way
And for the One who lives within you will be strong in you today and forever
Nothing can take you out of His hands
Nothing face you that you can’t command
We know you will always be in His love, in His power you will be free
So be strong and take courage….
We love you and always there for you
Ahh...yesterday..I realized..God has give me BFF..as my angels..protect me and comforts me..and remind me about His love to me through my BFF..they're my angel when i feel down..they like oase in the desert..
And I thank God for them..My Best Friends Forever... you are my Soulmates...
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