Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm a Shoes Lover ever!!

Shoes history
Shoes? I loooveee... shoes so much...So rare use a sandals..cause I do adore shoes...And..have you know or noted that shoes have a very fascinating history. I will tell you a bit about story of the shoes. Long time ago, there is evidence to prove that foot covering was one of the first things made by our primitive ancestors. The reason was to protect their feet from the serrated rocks, burning sands, and rocky terrain on which they roamed in pursuit of food and shelter. And also the history of human growth shows that the importance of protecting the foot was recognised early. Records of the Egyptians, the Chinese and other early civilisations, all contain references to shoes.
Did you know that, a shoe, even in modern times, continues to figure in stories. Have you ever heard stories related with shoes? There are ‘Seven League Boots’, ‘Cinderella’, ‘Puss in Boots’, ‘Mercury’s Winged Sandals’ and others and this are well known to all children (include me year ago..hehehe).

Japanese are known to be sandal-wearing people. A sandal indicated the social status of the wearer as characteristic sandals were made for the imperial household, merchants and actors or other professionals.

If in Greeks highlighting design and beauty, while the Romans devised a military type of sandal that enabled their legions to travel on foot throughout the then known world. In the more luxurious days of the late Empire, the sandals were often beautifully shaped with knick-knacks of gold and precious stones.

When we talk about costumes, the shoe always had an important place in it. Until recent years, many shoes were worn only on occasions of great ceremony. Some of these were very extensive in design and decoration, lending meanings and distinction to the official dress of proud wearers.

And the story goes on..they keep growing..
Many shoes designer now..with maannyyy designs...yes..for ladies they always love high heels or flat shoes..I like both..but most I like flat shoes..hehehe....how about you?? See the kind of shoes...

What kind of Shoes I like??
Sling back heel
Sling back heel

The Sling Back Heel: Usually a pointed toe with a strap around the back of the heel. These shoes often cause blisters and toe pain. . These shoes are in high fashion, especially in the spring and summer months.
My comments: I like this .. but I ever have this..but it's broken now!! so sad..but If I find cute like this..may be..I will buy this..as my shoes collection..heheheh

High heels stilleto
boots stiletto

Stilettos:  Wedged high heel Nothing is sexier than a woman in stilettos. This is often said before one takes a good look at a lady's foot after a day in high heels!
My comments: I love this .. love stiletto but..I rare use this for hours..especially for a day long..ummphhff.. Even..a comfy stilletto ... very comfy..nope...I dont want to torture my foots..hehehehe..but I loveee stilettto so much!!

Open toe shoes: As the name suggests, is an open toe so your toes as your thumb and index finger are visible. The back is generally closed, so that both are used in formal or informal events. The advantage of using these shoes are the foot does not sweat so it is more convenient.
My Comments: Most of my shoes are this shoes..It its comfy to use for hours, even for a day..heheh...I love use this shoes...!! Go to office or go to party...every occasions..sooo...coomfy!
Pump Shoes: Pump shoes refer to pumpkin shoes, it says that because of the toe cap looks like pumpkin and have half round shape. This shoe type is suitable when combined with mini skirt
My Comments: I also this shoes..very cute..I remember .I bought a shoes when I'm in Hong Kong..discount shoes in shoes shop in ladies market there and the quality looks good, when I try..so good, but..I dont understand, it felt the shoes decreased the size..wahha..I felt so uncomfortable and I gave to my Mom, she have smaller 1 size:)

Kitten shoes: The purpose of this shoes is a low-heeled shoes. More suitable when used in casual occasions.
My Comments: I have one shoes..just bought it last weeks..I like this but, I prefer to flat..because use this kitten sometimes the low heels easy to broken and bad, especially when you walk and past the way with stones everywhere..arrghh!!

Wedges Shoes:These shoes can be reserved for those of you who feel uncomfortable with small heels. Wedge Heel with the right kind of shoes meant having the same size from front to back and blend with the soles of shoes. The right shoe is not easily broken and is suitable for those of you who have more weight.
My Comments: I love this shoes..very comfy to used this..you also can run faster with this shoes, I usually use this only for go to office. Not use this if I go to the party. hehehe.

Flats: Slides, ballet, slippers
My Comments: The most comfy I like..but..some of flat have no comfortrable at all..Some of..are not good..I only choose flat shoes with more comfy, because I will use this always..go to everywhere..It must like a sandals...its like sandal function for me..!!!


Fashion Sneakers: no laces, velcro laces, canvas material..it's also said sport shoes :)
My Comments: I have sneakers..always have this..and I adore all converse sneakers..I have this use if I'm in travelling..feels like never wear a shoes..hehehe :) I love converse boot sneakers!

Boots: This shoes covered the whole. Boots is the only up to his ankles, until half-calf and there are up to knee. Like the cowboy, this shoe is perfect when used with jeans.
My Comments: I have a boots, and only use if i go to office and cover with the long pants, sometimes it's not shown if it boots :) I like use boots but will be weird if I wear in my city..like in Korea..I like Korean style with boots and dress :) LOL

Shoes and me
And for me..I have story that..when I feel down..when I look shoes or wear shoes..I feel soo...excited..I enjoy that..especially when i saw the cute ones..I will smiles when i see that shoes..sometimes fell like I'm fall in love to every shoes i saw...but when in the mall...sometimes..okay...mostly..I didnt buy it...hhehe..cause I dont want be a shopaholic..or shoes addict...and it's have a big different between shoes lover and shoes addict..hehehehe....
Sometimes..if i cant buy..sometimes feel sad..but just see the shoes..it's fine..at least...I can see it and try it!! hehahhaha...
And I have a dream..someday..If I have my own house..I want prepare, small room only for my shoes..hehehe..Have you watch Sex in the City movie..I like Carrie's new room..with all shoes are there..hehhe..I like it!! and the scene when she slept and Mr. Big found her there..with her blue shoes!!So sweet!! Isn't it??
Okay..here are my Shoes collection 2010

my stilletto flat shoes

My pump flat shoes

My open toe shoes

My kitten shoes the low heels were hiding :)

My open toe high heels

My wedges shoes-the comfy shoes
another open toe shoes

My stilletto shoes
Like this pump shoes cos the heels cute

My office shoes

I like this model of my stiletto shoes
too smaller when I bought and i give to my mom

I like the heels of my pump shoes
I buy this too smaller and give to my Mom
My sneakers which replace my broken Converse shoes :(
My sport shoes :)

Yeah..that is my shoes collection, I also have others..but..I'm too shy too show it..some are not properly to publish..LOL...the condition of the shoes are so sad..so..only for this shoes.. Even I'm a shoes lover, adjust with my pocket money. I  dont want to spend my money only for shoes..because I have another things...Must be wise in money..I only have some budget for shoes...
If I have limited budget..what should I do..and I'm a shoes lover..for me..I shopping when the shoes are discount..LOL..When I window shopping, and see cute shoes with discount..and the price is good as the quality and comfortable of my foot..I will have no doubt to buy it!! and if i travelling, go to another place..I will buy shoes which is the price is very lower than in my city...in my city all shoes are very expensice..
Sometimes I buy more than 2 if I travelling, only for shoes..I get lower price and good quality with cute model of shoes...How about you shoes lover? :)
Oh ya, because of my house condition have no air conditioner..LOL..the problem of my shoes are always because of the broken shoe leather..So sad...And because of I have no car..only by public transportaition and taxi, some of my shoes are borken with the heels..yeahh...I must pass street with many gravels, sands, and not good condition for shoes...hehehe..
Because I'm far away from the shoes room, I appreciate my shoes by make them a special small cabinet shoes with glasses so I can sse everytime..LOL!!

Here they are :) small shoe cabinet. Simple but I like it!


Okay bloggers..and shoes lover..I hope you enjoy my blogs..about shoes..Enjoy it!


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