Friday, November 25, 2011
Fill the Blank Friday
Another episode for Friday...My Fill the Blank Friday ..I think I like this stuff from other blogger...
1. Waking up at the break of dawn to go shopping is my idea of a future housewife! I wish I could do that because I have to do that for my family...Cooking for them and prepare for best food! That would be a hard task for me to wake up in very early morning..I'm not a morning person!! So it will be tough..even I like shopping..but please..nor for that time!! *big grin*
2. If I were to go shopping today I would be on the hunt for Samsung Tab..or iPad..Ah I must keep it until I have enough money!There are some urgent things I need to use for my saving money...Saving for my travelling #yihhaa .
3. The best thing I ate yesterday was nothing special!! Really!! I don't have good appetite this week!! I wish something good for tomorrow..because it's my weekend!!
4. Something I've been learning lately is time to open my heart...and give a try to all man..don't just Cut it out at their first move!! It's my bestie's Aline suggestion!! Start a relationship...let love growing..sometimes..Love at the first sight is not always happen..solet the love growing..when open your heart!!Okay..Mr. Cupid...I'm ready !! hahhaha...
5. I cannot start my day without take a bath and brush my teeth!! It such a disaster!!
6. My nighttime attire consists of short and singlet! or sometimes pajamas!!
7. I am looking forward to travelling!! I'm dying for it..yes early next year!!I wish this December but still haven't enough must be patience!! and hard work to increase my travelling saving!!! I wish I could go to Bali this February and Go to South Korea this April!! Would you pray for me?...^_^
Okay...that's it!! Enjoy Friday..Enjoy your Thanksgiving day!!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thinking of you..and just for you..
I just realized when I'm on #galau or when I'm so mellow..I want to write more..I want to blogging more..Share and creating something..hehehe..I just shared my #galau my mellow worried to my bestie Alined by BBM chat...heheheh..talked and got suggestions... Okay Sensei..I will become be more blocking from the beginning..Just try not to independent!!..hahaha...I wish!!I's enough about Mr.Wrong..enough about being #galau and being so mellow..Now..I show you Big smile..big grin for me...Go away worries..And let come inner peace...inner peace..inner peace *imagine me with Po' style on Kung Fu Panda 2*
Now no more more #galau..back to real life..Back to real me!!
I just miss you...
I don't know what to saying but..I'm totally out of mind now!! I'm totally missing so badly to Mr.Wrong...I miss his encouragement..I miss his voice..I miss his smile..I miss when he looked at me so deeply.. I miss his cared...I miss when he talk much and I just smiled... I miss when he treated me so right! I miss all of him.. I just miss him..
But now he's faraway..I couldn't reach him..I couldn't see him...I couldn't hear his voice..
His charmed still mesmerized me! And it's remain in my heart...
Looking our pic...remember our time together..are the medicine to handle this warm this heart and cover this feeling..
Sometimes..from bigger to smaller wishes...I were mine... and become I wish you were here with me..I wish I could see you or I wish I could hear your voice..and become..I wish you contact or message me...and I wish nothing..I just miss you..
Lady on Waiting
Yesterday I've been so worried about something...You know..when I met with my ex boyfriend..and he have his new life..and already have a family..and when he asked you "why you still single..just married soon!" Man..I'm so devastated..!!! hahaha...At that time.I wish dissapeared..Hiksss...when other people ask still stand and proud said..I'm Single and Happy! but..when your Ex boyfriend ask you..and you are still single..and not really...really single..don't have any man beside you..Well..It quite torture you!! He's're single.!! I hate this!! I don't like being single on that time! I wish I could told him that..I'm married..have a good husband..I'm happy with my new family..But..It was not!!
Okay..And when you told to your besties..they gave you suggestion..C'mon ..between're the only one who still single..I have boyfriend..I'm married..Cmon...
And it still over yet..when you're went home..Your mom ask you..Honey..don't stay single for a long time..remember your age...You should married soon..*DAAANNGG!!*
And..I wish I could felt more peace at office with silly thing "Single"..They said..When you will ended you're single status..Look at your assistant..she already have a boyfriend and will married soon..And you??...
OMG..Could you someone don't ask me about this!!
"Of course I need a man..But..I'm still on waiting..I know I hate waiting..but..I know it will be worth to waiting for Mr. More than Enough!!"
And last night when I'm on my way to went home...I open my Twitter timeline..and..I read this good quote about "SINGLE and WAITING" ..It's so encouraged be Patience about waitng..and KEEP my FAITH on HIM....TO BELIEVE!!
"In love, learn to TRUST THE PERFECT TIME so you may discover that all the pain found in waiting has a maginificent and awesome purpose"
"Being SINGLE doesn't mean you know nothing about love. Sometimes, its WISER to be alone that with the wrong person!"
"In GOD'S TIME, you'll fall for the right person. When that time comes, LOVE WILL BE WORTH THE WAIT, the tears and the pain.
"LOVE may travel so long, but it will always take you to where you belong"
"God created your purpose..before He created you. Have faith in life!"
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
This is my mind
I just want to tell you..and want to describe you that..this are what I've been thinking..this are what in my mind..I'm over thinking..I'm over worrying..I'm over loaded!! I'm Stuck!!
What I need??
What do you Think??
Some said "You just need Travelling!!"
Some loudly said "Find Boyfriend!"
Some message me "You should receive it I have given to need it!"
Some told "You need chocolate!"
ARRGGHHH!!!!I'm Bored!! I'm Stuck!! I'm Sleepy..I'm over reacted!XOXO
Saturday, November 19, 2011
"I believe in you"
Do I Believe? |
Wow..It's quite a long time I didnt write any thoughts on my blog..I dont know I just feel I dont any feel to write blog this past week. In my post before about my 6 years actually I want to add more thoughts but..I just forget..the idea and thought just gone!! And I dont have mood or idea to continue that blog post. Actually I have many thoughts in my mind that I want to share but..I just Blank...
So I started my Friday with "fill in the Blank Friday" And all the thoughts to be share..actually I have a lot but..finaly GONE from my mind!! I am in this Friday..Blank and Sleepy Friday!
I must took black Javanese coffee to open my eyes!
But...Dang!! I've touched with this Song and the lyric..Actually this I always heard this song..but today..I felt that this just touched my heart..It's a song from Il Divo and Celine Dion "(I Believe in You (Je crois en toi)" is a duet between Céline Dion and Il Divo, released as the third and last single from Dion's On ne change pas album, and first and only from Il Divo's Ancora)
"I Believe in You (Je Crois toi)"
Lonely, the path you have chosen
A restless road, no turning back
One day you will find your light again
Don't you know
Don't let go be strong
Follow your heart
Let your love lead through the darkness
Back to a place you once knew
I believe, I believe, I believe in you
Follow your dreams
Be yourself, an angel of kindness
There's nothing that you cannot do
I believe, I believe, I believe in you
Tout seul
(All alone)
Tu t'en iras tout seul
(You will go away/leave all alone)
Coeur ouvert
(Your heart open)
A l'univers
(To the universe)
Poursuis ta quête
(Follow your quest)
Sans regarder derrière
(Without looking back)
N'attends pas
(Don't wait)
Que le jour
(for a new day)
Se lève
(to break)
(to break)
Suis ton étoile
(Follow your star)
Va jusqu'où ton rêve t'emporte
(Go to wherever yourdream takes you)
Un jour tu le toucheras
(One day you will touch it)
Si tu crois, si tu crois, si tu crois
(If you believe, if you believe, if you believe)
En toi (In you (yourself))
Suis la lumière
(Follow the light)
N'éteins pas la flamme que tu portes
(Don't put out the flame that you carry/have)
Au fond de toi, souviens-toi
(Deep inside you, remember)
Que je crois, que je crois, que je crois
(That I believe, that I believe, that I believe)
En toi
(In you)
Someday I'll find you
Someday you'll find me too
And when I hold you close
I know that it's true
Follow your heart
Let your love lead through the darkness
Back to a place you once knew
I believe, I believe, I believe in you
Follow your dreams
Be yourself an angel of kindness
There's nothing that you cannot do
I believe, I believe, I believe in you
I believe, I believe, I believe in you (x2)
Sometimes we less or lose hope to believe..To believe on believe in our self or sometimes to believe in God's promises! Yeahh.. this past week I do loss and less to believe...I'm so drained and burned out...I just feel that I'm a crossroad..and I dont know and confuse to move on... and this song remain me...and to keep believe..Keep believe on myself...Keep believe on people..Keep believe on God's promises :)..May be I'm to tired...But really this song..encourage me and wake me up from this...I'm thankful that I always have God who always remind me..and never leave me...I'm thankful for my family for always support me...I'm thankful because I always have my besties who always be there for me... and that's enough to make me keep keep strong and MOVE ON!! Life goes on.....
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That's me and my officemate... "I believe on people!" |
That's me on Bali.. "I believe in myself!" |
That's me on Bali "I believe in God's promises!" |
*continue edit and write on Sunny Saturday Morning after finished morning jogging*
Friday, November 18, 2011
Fill in the Blank Friday
Here I am with Fill in blank Friday from and here my thoughts about it!
1. A nervous habit I have is squeeze my hand or fingers.
2. Something that makes me sad is about parents abandon their child, divorce! It breaks my heart..
3. Today I am thankful for my family, My Mom and Dad, my brother and his wife, my 3 D (2 beautiful nieces Deeandra and Dovely, and 1 cute nephew Dillon!) and my besties! They're everything that I would never exchange!
4. My favorite room in my house is my bedroom. I spend there by listening music, read book and sleep and with my favorite blanket...these month the weather is cold and that was awesome!
5. I can't stand for cigarrete smoke or smell of durian! I hate when I'm on bus and some people smoke! it make me crazy or people smoking near with me!! I just can't breath or runaway when I smell Durian..! that both make me crazy!
6. If I had an extra $100 to spend on buy ticket for travelling to Bali..okay may be that's will not enough but I will add with my saving money for the sake of travelling to Bali!
7. The last person I hung out (have lunch) with was my ex when I'm in high school and we've never talk for 10 years!Okay sounds crazy but we've have a good time as good friends now!
Happy Friday..Happy Weekend..As my motto every for every Friday..TGIF =Thank's God It's Friday..Thanks God I'm Fabolous!
1. A nervous habit I have is squeeze my hand or fingers.
2. Something that makes me sad is about parents abandon their child, divorce! It breaks my heart..
3. Today I am thankful for my family, My Mom and Dad, my brother and his wife, my 3 D (2 beautiful nieces Deeandra and Dovely, and 1 cute nephew Dillon!) and my besties! They're everything that I would never exchange!
4. My favorite room in my house is my bedroom. I spend there by listening music, read book and sleep and with my favorite blanket...these month the weather is cold and that was awesome!
5. I can't stand for cigarrete smoke or smell of durian! I hate when I'm on bus and some people smoke! it make me crazy or people smoking near with me!! I just can't breath or runaway when I smell Durian..! that both make me crazy!
6. If I had an extra $100 to spend on buy ticket for travelling to Bali..okay may be that's will not enough but I will add with my saving money for the sake of travelling to Bali!
7. The last person I hung out (have lunch) with was my ex when I'm in high school and we've never talk for 10 years!Okay sounds crazy but we've have a good time as good friends now!
Happy Friday..Happy Weekend..As my motto every for every Friday..TGIF =Thank's God It's Friday..Thanks God I'm Fabolous!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
My 6th years
Mmh..4 days already I didn't write any thoughts on my blog. Yesterday was awesome, because I took 1 day leave! It's monday and I didn't realized that day we have coordination meeting at office and we will discuss a lot of things..and looks like I couldn't handle it! Really! This year wasn't a good year in my phase during my worklife in my office! I felt like I'm alone, I felt like I'm totally freakin' boring at my work!
Yeah I know...I've been here since 6 years ago..this is my first work, first office and I've have so many first experiences here and that's were unforgettable moments here. I learned many things. I've received many things here. I've got a lot of besties here. I've a lot of laughs. I've got a lot of tears. I've been what I am now because I'm here. 40% growth process in my life I've got from this 6 years at this office.
I also got family here...all of them are family!
But for falling in love with someone through this office..I haven't ..may be not yet..hahaahaha...
I don't like love relationship with officemates. So I've never fallin' to officemate or related with Compassion International globally! LOL!! I hope I could meet Mr More than enough here,,lol...but I don't think so...I just don't know with God's plan. Where, when, who and how I will meet him. Just blank with this!
Okay today in my 6 years for my dedication at office I feel NOTHING! Really! I have no passion, no happiness and totally freakin' tired, burned out and drained! I feel like I don't have my energy to work! I don't want to go to office! Really! I work for money! I work for salary and so pity with I am now!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
Yeah I know...I've been here since 6 years ago..this is my first work, first office and I've have so many first experiences here and that's were unforgettable moments here. I learned many things. I've received many things here. I've got a lot of besties here. I've a lot of laughs. I've got a lot of tears. I've been what I am now because I'm here. 40% growth process in my life I've got from this 6 years at this office.
I also got family here...all of them are family!
But for falling in love with someone through this office..I haven't ..may be not yet..hahaahaha...
I don't like love relationship with officemates. So I've never fallin' to officemate or related with Compassion International globally! LOL!! I hope I could meet Mr More than enough here,,lol...but I don't think so...I just don't know with God's plan. Where, when, who and how I will meet him. Just blank with this!
Okay today in my 6 years for my dedication at office I feel NOTHING! Really! I have no passion, no happiness and totally freakin' tired, burned out and drained! I feel like I don't have my energy to work! I don't want to go to office! Really! I work for money! I work for salary and so pity with I am now!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Fill the Blank Friday
I've got this stuff post from my bestie Aline( )And she gave me this blog where's this comes from here I share you mine...:)
1. My Favorite thing about this week was ? I have a sweet dream "kissed by Mr.Wrong" that was a sweet dream on this early sweet November
2. Colder weather makes me ... allergic comes! and mostly rainy in my country and I couldn't jogging in the public sport field :(
3. Three things that make me terribly happy as of late are ... When some people said that my diet was success I lost some weight, my niece Deeandra stay at home this week, and hot chocolate every morning!
4. If I could only wear one kind of shoe for the rest of my life, I'd choose ... It kinda hard to choose..coz I'm a shoes lover ever! But if just one kind of shoe..My Converse shoes! I could go anywhere..and good for every's warm with shocks and and it nice with summer and short pants, or even when I'm wear a skirt!
5. My Personality type is ... I'm type of ambivert (Ambiversion is a term used to describe people who fall more or less directly in the middle and exhibit tendencies of both groups. An ambivert is normally comfortable with groups and enjoys social interaction, but also relishes time alone and away from the crowd. Source )
6. I have a serious problem resisting ... Korean drama series..OMG I have a lot of collections and I spent my weekend must with those series..I still have many series in my CD box and still on waiting list to be watch! :P
7. My favorite colour to wear is ... Pink the one and only..but this past week I mostly used white.
What do you thinks? share me yours... :)
My Sweet Song on my Sweet November for Sweet Me
Wowww...While I finished blogging my other blog..I heard this song by West Life..The Rose..and I realized and understand this thing..have you read my previous post on those 2 pictures there were a rose there..A clay rose..and a fake rose..And related with that pic..I said that describe..that I wait a rose from a guy..and it clearly said that I'm waiting a rose from my Mr.More than enough.
Okay this song I've always listen by Westlife version..but I've never noticed about the deeply lyric inside on this song. And when I listened carefully this afternoon..I'm just touched..I'm googling the lyric (you can see the behind of the story of the lyric from this link and ), and I feel amazed..This will be a sweet song on my Sweet November..
Yeah...I say love, it is a flower
And me, its only seed...It's the rose..
Oh...God just remind me..that..I must patience..while waiting the love..While waiting My Rose a.k.a my love..from Mr. More than enough..This a reminder for me..that..don't be afraid of waiting..Married or not..Single forever or not.. (while on my previous blog said that I'm fine if I'm still single but..while people around me and may be myself worried.. when I will be a bride and not a bridemaid? )
This song..this feeling about Waiting..about Love..has been this song.. by the Rose..
The Rose
Bette Midler writer
song by Westlife
Some say love, it is a river
That drowns the tender reed
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed
Some say love, it is a hunger
An endless aching need
I say love, it is a flower
And you, its only seed
It's the heart, afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance
It's the dream, afraid of waking
That never takes the chance
It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul, afraid of dying
That never learns to live
When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long
And you think that love is only
for the lucky and the strong
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed
That with the sun's love, in the spring
Becomes the rose
("The Rose" is a pop song written by Amanda McBroom and made famous by Bette Midler, who performed it in the 1979 movie, The Rose. Since then it has been covered by a variety of artists.)
Wowww...While I finished blogging my other blog..I heard this song by West Life..The Rose..and I realized and understand this thing..have you read my previous post on those 2 pictures there were a rose there..A clay rose..and a fake rose..And related with that pic..I said that describe..that I wait a rose from a guy..and it clearly said that I'm waiting a rose from my Mr.More than enough.
Okay this song I've always listen by Westlife version..but I've never noticed about the deeply lyric inside on this song. And when I listened carefully this afternoon..I'm just touched..I'm googling the lyric (you can see the behind of the story of the lyric from this link and ), and I feel amazed..This will be a sweet song on my Sweet November..
Yeah...I say love, it is a flower
And me, its only seed...It's the rose..
Oh...God just remind me..that..I must patience..while waiting the love..While waiting My Rose a.k.a my love..from Mr. More than enough..This a reminder for me..that..don't be afraid of waiting..Married or not..Single forever or not.. (while on my previous blog said that I'm fine if I'm still single but..while people around me and may be myself worried.. when I will be a bride and not a bridemaid? )
This song..this feeling about Waiting..about Love..has been this song.. by the Rose..
This is my love story... "The Rose" is my sweet song on my sweet November for Sweet me...
Love and Trust
I have been this past 2 full day at office and I have to go to my office mate's father's funeral and also I have schedule to teaching english. And I'm damnly tired! Yeah but..this 2 days..I like to used my new tiny handphone.. Samsung Champ..this handphone is very cheap but I like all the content!! And I took something cute pictures with this handphone..Okay..I will give you the explanation about those pics.. There are a story behind..that were really desribe my mind..and my heart...And here are the stories of those pics..about Love and Trust!
First image, there's a picture draw by my bestie Paulina.. she's such a drawer lady! LOL..that's her hobby..she love to draw sketch like can find in all of his book with draw like this...okay..I like her drawing ..I feel like there's like other town..which I want to visit and travel there..Oh how I damnly crazy to travelling out of town! And that rose also made from colour clay while we were in training :)...That rose reminds me all of my ex boyfriends..they're not a type of romantic guy.. (because I don't like romantic guy type)..and I've never get a rose from one of them..Never...sometimes I feel that..okay because I dont like..but for now..I think I really want a guy give me a beautiful pink Rose for me.. Ah I think because this month of sweet November that's why I'm so mellow and madly here I am..A lady who wish get a flower from a guy....oohh..Poor Lady!!! Okay the glasses is mine..but why I put it, because I like a guy with glasses..really! But I've never have a relationship with a guy with glasses...LOL..But my dream guy ..physically..I like a classic man..use a shirt with vest and with glasses..and with man soft perfume..and read book..looks like nerd guy..okay...maybe because since I was kid I always love Clark Kent or Superman..maybe that character influenced me to have a guy like C.K! Yes type of Clark Kent was my dream physically!
Second Image, it just took this morning, while I've seated on my officemate desk. I took her cute glass, "smiley" ball, and her cute pen, and a flower (I don't like flower in my table desk...I will never put flower on my desk!LOL), our office's calculator and my decoration "fake toblerone chocolate" on my desk. are the explanation of each tools on that image!
Yesterday I'm said because of Mr. Wrong, I saw him and looks like he's happy with his life..and I'm jealous..yeah...and I realized feeling wasn't feeling that I just want him. If I love him I must be happy when he's happy! Okay..and that "smiley ball" told me that I must be smile!The cute glass..remind me from tweet from @tracytrinita, she shared this cute tweet "There are differences in the effects of our perspective. The same glass can be seen as half full or half empty. Do you view life glass containing a half full (Hopeful) or half empty (hopeless)?" I asked to I hopeless to wait? Or I'm still hopeful to wait God's time?. And my "fake Toblerone chocolate" written "Trust in God" and a rose flower..reminds me that I must Trust Him..that the flower you've waiting from some guy (my thought yesterday about waiting a flower) will come soon..You will get the "real flower with sincere heart" You Trust thankful..and that cute pencil reminds me that..God has written my Love Story and He also has written until the end.. and the last.. the Calculator describe that..this calculator is able to count the exact divide, substract, add, etc.. and that was real amount and they have the answer..God has written my Love Story (Cute pencil), calculated and counts my days..who, when and where, how and ...He has the answers (calculator)..Be Thankful (smile)..Just Trust God (fake toblerone)...keep live in hopeful and dont hopeless..(cute cup)...while I'm waiting my flower (a Rose flower) from Mr. More than Enough...
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A drawing picture, a glasses, A clay rose |
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A Smiley ball, calculator, fake toblerone chocolate, a rose flower, cute pencil, cute glass |
Yesterday I'm said because of Mr. Wrong, I saw him and looks like he's happy with his life..and I'm jealous..yeah...and I realized feeling wasn't feeling that I just want him. If I love him I must be happy when he's happy! Okay..and that "smiley ball" told me that I must be smile!The cute glass..remind me from tweet from @tracytrinita, she shared this cute tweet "There are differences in the effects of our perspective. The same glass can be seen as half full or half empty. Do you view life glass containing a half full (Hopeful) or half empty (hopeless)?" I asked to I hopeless to wait? Or I'm still hopeful to wait God's time?. And my "fake Toblerone chocolate" written "Trust in God" and a rose flower..reminds me that I must Trust Him..that the flower you've waiting from some guy (my thought yesterday about waiting a flower) will come soon..You will get the "real flower with sincere heart" You Trust thankful..and that cute pencil reminds me that..God has written my Love Story and He also has written until the end.. and the last.. the Calculator describe that..this calculator is able to count the exact divide, substract, add, etc.. and that was real amount and they have the answer..God has written my Love Story (Cute pencil), calculated and counts my days..who, when and where, how and ...He has the answers (calculator)..Be Thankful (smile)..Just Trust God (fake toblerone)...keep live in hopeful and dont hopeless..(cute cup)...while I'm waiting my flower (a Rose flower) from Mr. More than Enough...
That was my story and that was pictures of my heart and mind...
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Sweet Dream and Sweet Kiss
Hmmm..Can't wait to share this..This whole training at office made me couldn't blogging today. I really want to share with you that last night I have a beautiful dream..I dream kissed by santa claus...LOL...No I didn't neither the santa. I have a dream that me and Mr. Wrong met in some occasion. I've forgot him, and by accident at that dream we kissed. Okay I will describe the story of this dream. I met him at evening occasion, I forget the name of the occasion :). And he's came to me, say Hi and we're shake our hand and we hugs and suddenly after he hugged me, by accident, we kissed! Okay may be it's not as you thought we've kissed deeply or have french kiss! *I wish.. LOL* we just have simply kissed! But I'm totally surprised! Mesmerized! And he's smile. He wasn't said sorry, just give his best smile. And hey I'm smiled! Oh Em Ji..O M G! Why...why...why must him..and why I'm smiled? Why I'm enchanted by him? And when I woke up! I'm absolutely remember Mr.Wrong kissed me! I think I have long dream or have long story in that dream!! But Why I only remember the kissed? And I'm smile (•ˆ⌣ˆ•) and said.."I have a sweet dream! A sweet kiss with my sweet heart and his sweet smile..he is my Mr.Wrong!
Really..I don't care if my mind said I'm a crazy lady! I'm crazy coz we couldn't kiss in my real world! People may say I'm crazy..I'm out of mind! Sue me and I don't care! Hey..that's my dream..and that was a sweet dream I've ever had! If the Inception was real..I'm fine stay in that dream with him... (╥﹏╥)
May be I miss him so much...that's why I dreamed of him! Or may be, he miss me so badly...*I wish*
I pray you are fine my sweet Mr.Wrong..I'm fine... I'm okay..thank you for come to my dream (•ˆ⌣ˆ•)
Really..I don't care if my mind said I'm a crazy lady! I'm crazy coz we couldn't kiss in my real world! People may say I'm crazy..I'm out of mind! Sue me and I don't care! Hey..that's my dream..and that was a sweet dream I've ever had! If the Inception was real..I'm fine stay in that dream with him... (╥﹏╥)
May be I miss him so much...that's why I dreamed of him! Or may be, he miss me so badly...*I wish*
I pray you are fine my sweet Mr.Wrong..I'm fine... I'm okay..thank you for come to my dream (•ˆ⌣ˆ•)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
My Hong Kong Business Trip
Today I opened my old files and I found business trip in Hong Kong photos on 2007. Such a long time ago...Ah..I wish I could back to Hong Kong someday...That's such a great and unforgettable business trip!! That was awesome!! We have time to shopping..we have time to break time trip to Hong Kong and together we also visit Compassion International in Hong Kong...Wow...!! that was my 2nd business trip first time in Chiang Mai, Thailand..and that was my 2nd
My business trip was awesome, my first time went to Hong Kong! I like it! I'm very excited for the first time trip in Hong Kong. We stayed in Sha Tin ( ) such a rural area from old Hong Kong..and our hotel was Regal Riverside Hotel Sha Tin Hong Kong ( ). The hotel was awesome if we go to Ladies market it tooks less than 1 hour by bus..or we can use MTR (in Singapore it said MRT). In this trip there was a time I'm separated with my group when in ladies market..and I'm went hotel alone..that was a great experience! I'm not bring map..I was lost..and finally..I've used my asked question skill! And it works!. Some people in here only now Mandarin! So I found a teenagers and they could give me an answer!! I used MTR and that was my first time experience used subway..that was awesooomee!! and when I use coin..I have funny experienced! because at that time I bought (shopping) small trolley..I drag my trolley first and than me..hahah..WOW! and after I want to entered..I stucked...because my hand with the bag already passed! LOL...and some old man said..just passed but I must bow..and used unusual way..and I almost lost..I should walk to hotel..but I couldn't I'm almost I asked a police and said where is the hotel..and the police don't know english just said.."..bus...bus" and brought me to a small bus and said in Mandarin to the driver. I waited some passengers and the driver talked to of the hotel..and he said.."yes...yes..hotel..hotel" *oh my gosh.* and bus ran..and after 3 minutes, the bus stopped and the bus driver said..." hotel..hotel..stop..stop.." while his hand showed that the hotel was over there..I must crossed the street!! okay..I gave big smile and said to driver "Thank you..Thank you".. he was my hero!! the driver was my hero!! he was a good driver..
And after stopped, I saw the area and yes..this is the river..this is the bridge..I crossed the street and the bridge..that was my hotel!!I'm not lost anymore...And that my best experience ever while I'm on travelling!
By the way..Why I'm shopped at that time..I get good shoes store..I bought 3 shoes..while the day before I was bought 2 shoes..LOL..because I couldn't help myself with the cute shoes in this ladies market! LOL!!
So..the shopping experiences was awesome..I bought 2 bags, 5 shoes, 1 small travelling trolley, 2 hats, 10 Hong Kong t-shirt, and some souvenirs and chocolates for souvenir..and the less were souvenirs to friends and family...
And after stopped, I saw the area and yes..this is the river..this is the bridge..I crossed the street and the bridge..that was my hotel!!I'm not lost anymore...And that my best experience ever while I'm on travelling!
By the way..Why I'm shopped at that time..I get good shoes store..I bought 3 shoes..while the day before I was bought 2 shoes..LOL..because I couldn't help myself with the cute shoes in this ladies market! LOL!!
So..the shopping experiences was awesome..I bought 2 bags, 5 shoes, 1 small travelling trolley, 2 hats, 10 Hong Kong t-shirt, and some souvenirs and chocolates for souvenir..and the less were souvenirs to friends and family...
I give you some pics while I'm in Hongkong.. :)
When I arrived at Changi Airport, changed terminal used Skytrain |
We're on Singapore Airlines, awesome airlines! |
I could feel it's hot when we're on the air! |
Could you imagine that below this sky the weather in HK was very cold! I'm frozen! |
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This is the Regal Riverside Hotel (orig.pic are from their web.) |
See? It very cold! I'm frozen! |
I could feel my teeth shaking! |
Green tee mint cake! what a dessert! that's awesome! |
Mango..something! I forgot the name but couldn't forget the flavour..awesome! |
This my order!I ate all, clean! volcano (the lava was melted choco) mango choco cake! |
This was the boat we used to accross to the Hong Kong city! |
The name of the boat was Aqua Luna and they said that was free! Cool!! |
I'm on Victoria Park! |
It's February 2007 and it's Chinese new year! |
And I'm with Jackie Chan handmark! at Avenue Star HK 2007 |
This starbucks hot coffee helped not to freeze!! |
On Compassion International-Hong Kong Office |
This trip with the boat was very cold and windy! WOW! |
Sweet November+Sweet Me = HAPPY MOMENT
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This photo is taken by my team mate Shinta at my office room |
Hi..It's November..and It's me...Sweet November and Sweet me...heheheh...Okay..this November is my favorite month of the year... Because mostly my travelling happened in November..this 1st November also was the date when I said "yes" to have relationship my ex "meet and end by destiny" boyfriend, and this was a sweet month of us, and also this November is one of my unspoken love birthday..I forget the date (LOL)..and this November when i got my 1st work after graduated from my university...and this November 8th is my 6th years in Compassion International - East Indonesia ...
Okay..Why I said that I'm sweet? I always claimed that I'm sweet..hahaha... and this picture game was confirm to myself...this game rule is.. see the first 4 words you find and that describe myself..And I found this 4 magic words!
S W E E T + L O V E L Y + T H O U G H T F U L + T A L E N T E D
Yeay..I'm sweet!! I knew it!! hahahha... Okay I believe all of this 4 words..I am Sweet!! Sweet as chocolate my favorite food and Sweet as Pink my Favorite color! LOL... See? This is my destiny
It's up to you to believe or can try it to yourself...
And as I'm Sweet... I wish November this year..will bring a sweet moment for me...
Wish me and pray for me have my Sweet November..I do wish a miracle happen! Something sweet happen in my life..What is that? I just have faith ..and it feel so strong!! :) :)
If Linkin Park sing This is my December...I will claim and say..This is my November..This is my Sweet November!!
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