You know..some people will say..OMG!! why is Sex appeal..what is that..hihihihi.. Looks like about sex things?..hahhaha..don't worry..I'm not gonna say that how you are good in bed....(please don't ask me about that).. okay..and as always..when I curios about something..I want to now I ask my Prof Google... and here I get about this..and this I'm gonna tell you about SEX APPEAL:
Seductive, fetching, and something that improves with experience – it's sex appeal. Not limited to the beautiful people, sex appeal is something within everyone's reach no matter your looks and age. It derives from unabashed self-confidence, healthy self-love, and a belief that you're worth knowing.
How you talk, dress, move, and behave will ultimately define whether you've got sex appeal... or not. Whether you're keen to improve your sex appeal for romantic or social reasons (and really, you should focus on developing it for both reasons), you can't go wrong by being willing to get started.
Wow isn't it good for you..Hey beautiful are beautiful..then have a sex appeal...make it..create my posting it diligently..and just enjoy it..
Enjoy this 7 things about have a sex appeal in yourself!!
- Understand what makes people truly attractive
Sometimes, when we assessing what makes up sex appeal (aka the "X factor", the "It factor", the "inner glow", etc.), don't make the mistake of assuming that looks are everything. Sex appeal is the entire package – making the most of your positive features, feeling comfortable in your skin (or as the French say,
"bien dans sa peau"), and putting your best self forward for others to appreciate. Rather, sex appeal is about
giving; principally, and the very fact that just being around a confident and insecurity-free you makes others feel good about themselves. Remember ladies...your "glow" is a gift to others; and while not everyone will accept this gift, most people will be open to the warmth of being made to feel good about themselves, even if it's just for a few moments in your presence. Ultimately, sex appeal causes you to glow more brightly than most; you're magnetic and appealing because you're self-assured.
I like my column just me..I said that.. my style is fashionable.. be fashionable!! It doesn't matter that you might be big boned, small waisted, tall, short, or stuck with a nose you wish you could trade for another. Good groomin stylish dressing, and careful deportment will do more for you than a supposedly perfect body shape. Coco Chanel once quipped:
"If a woman is not well dressed, one notices her for her outfit, but if she's impeccably dressed, it's she that one notices." For women, don't overdo the makeup. Too much will always be unflattering. Do not to buy expensive you should comfortable with it!!
This is I like the most!! Hey..our body is not a can fill it with anything... love your can't do anything when you are sick, isn't it? If you're not healthy or happy with your current body, do something about it. But in the process of fixing that aspect of yourself, you don't need to let your personality sink. And as I shared also in my previous posting.. exercise jogging or walking for 15-30 minutes.. make it as comfort..and just enjoy it diligently...^_*
Hey...of course you should have this..I can't imagine that beauty woman physcally but...looks...dumb..LOL...or when people talk with you and you just got blank and you answer with have no related with the questions...OMG..!! what a shame for me!! You know.. sex appeal is about both looking your best and thinking your best. Put your smarts out there as well as your gorgeousness; denying your intelligence is a foolhardy way to aim to be appealing. Make it clear from the outset that you think for yourself and never shy away from making self decision.. Never say Never to studying..keep learning ladies.. you know..when you are look so sexy.. like my view about man that... smart sexy...hahahha... *blushing*
Have you ever feel bad about yourself.. will impact other people around you.. (I have been struggling with this..because I'm a moody woman..and trying to self control about my moody also hard for me). When you feel good about yourself and believe in your own worth, it shows. This is appealing because people feel instantly at ease with you, as they sense they don't have to reassure you or tiptoe around you. So relax, be comfortable about yourself, and let your confidence show up. Tell yourself that you're beautiful inside and out, wonderful to know, and think of all the great reasons why people will like you for you. Confidence is the most important source of sex appeal, so if yours is feeling a bit low, it's an ideal time to improve it. Don't let bad condition, environment around you will influence you to feel bad and do bad.. I remember when Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone in bathroom sing ..I feel Good....daradadaam... I feel Good... yeayyy let's sing it Ladies..when we start our day..or even we have bad situation with friends, boss, etc.

- Be Positive, upbeat, and a person who smiles and laughs a lot
You know..I tried to always think postive to all of happen in my life..that..God has made everything beautiful..and he has Best plan for me..So let's it come from your inside first...think Positive!! Laughter and smiling have a lot to do with sex appeal. Everyone wants to feel better about themselves and about the world around them. Smiles and laughter help create that positive environment and reassure people that you're fun to be with and that you're going to do your best to see the positive side of things even during challenging times
- Love people and do it with sincere
Smile on the inside. Force a smile even if you're not in the mood for it (think of yourself at your best) and notice how your body starts to change. Carry around an inner smile and it will express itself in the way you hold your body, walk, and react with daily life. Also learn how to smile when you don't feel you don't feel you can. This step follows directly from loving human beings for who they are. Always look for the good in people and remind them of why they're fantastic to be around. It's very hard to resist someone who notices the best in you. Once you feel good about yourself and confident in your own direction, your senses will awaken to seeing the good in others and it'll be easy to point out what you appreciate them. I admire 1 people in my office..even he is like in other part/country of my office..he is a leader..with sincere heart..when he can feel his sincerity..So warm and it feel good..he always remember a name.. and talk with us with great smile and soooo..sincere.. Ooh.. I hope I could just like's kinda hard for me.. But let;s try ladies!! and remember receive all compliments with a hearty Thank You! Go Sincere heart!
Finally, but most importantly, sex appeal isn't something to labor over. The hard work is done when you build your self confidence, and to love others for who they are, and find your purpose in this world. Sex appeal tends to exude as the fruit of your ongoing personal development. So the best advice after all this advice is to not try too hard to have sex appeal. Provided you've learned to love yourself and others well, it'll come naturally.
Most of all..We are trying..and let's do it DILIGENTLY and ENJOY it!! You are beautiful...