Hey this is February 14th 2011, you must know what day is today! Yep! You rite! This is a Heart day! Valentine's day! Happy Valentine's day fellas!
Actually, today it's not a big deal, I mean a special or big event for me..for me everyday is love...everyday is valentine..sharing love means we celebrate love..and no matter what is my status..being single, engaged, married, unmarried, divorced, widower, have a relationship,etc it doesn't matter if you celebrate it with yourself, friends, lover, mom and dad, wife, husband, etc! As long as you share love to other people with a grateful and sincere heart and thankfulness..it's a blessings! And that's a real Heart day! Everyday could be a heart day, right? No need every 14th February to celebrate and share LOVE, it could happen everyday to you! It depend on you! your view, mind and one important thing HEART! How you open your heart and share to other! When you breathing and wake up, thankful to God for your life, give best smile to others, say Thank you, etc. It is a heart day! It is when you fill your heart with thanksgiving, and spread love with your smile, word, and attitude to others!
Remember this:
"Sometimes your joy is the source of your SMILE, but sometimes your SMILE can be the source of your joy" (T. N. Hanh). So...Keep SMILING ..
'Never underestimate the power of a smile. It always bring joy, happiness, and sometimes it also brings hope for the hopeless'
Hey single ladies... Remember to smile... U'll never know who will fall inlove with it :)
Don't be sad if you're single and have no celebration at all with someone special like you did with your couple, or may be you never celebrate Valentine's day with someone you like, alone somewhere, etc. Just enjoy and fulfill your heart with thanksgiving, you still have God to share your love and He always there to show His love to you! :)
And me as a single lady...It's fine when I'm not with somebody else, especially in this Heart Day, When every couples are celebrate their love, candle light dinner, chocolates and flowers, etc.
I'm okay.. I enjoy my singleness.. !
Being single, doesn't mean to be alone. It means to wait for someone while laughing with others. So, Stay upbeat!
Happy Valentine's day.....Happy Heart Day! For me, everyday is valentine!
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Monday, February 14, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
2011 Wish Lists
Yesterday one of my blog reader...hehehe..she's my friend ..asked me hey..you missed something..you missed to add your new year wish lists... and this is not new year again..share it before this year will be over...LOL!!.
she's right!! I'm so shy..but thanks Mahil for remind me...
Actually, I quite forget about the wish lists...because I'm not write down the lists..only in my mind..and now..I must think hard to remember that...maybe because to much things as my wish lists..LOL again!!
Okay I separate my wish lists with things (materials and non materials)

she's right!! I'm so shy..but thanks Mahil for remind me...
Actually, I quite forget about the wish lists...because I'm not write down the lists..only in my mind..and now..I must think hard to remember that...maybe because to much things as my wish lists..LOL again!!
Okay I separate my wish lists with things (materials and non materials)
- Ipad

- Car

- DVD smallville season 11 and Glee season 2
Yeah!! I want to see this gorgeous movie..MY Smallville..never missed it and wait the DVD comes out this year!! and also for Glee.. Still on process right with the DVD?
- Read Book High Five by Ken Blanchard
This a must read book from my office..and I think this is a good book...why not to read this..may be I will make the summary with this book to share to all bloggers with my blog :)
- Engage
I know..this deep down inside my heart..I do like to my "Mr. Good Enough" will propose and say.." Will you marry me? " awwww... it's a praying for every single woman right? ..and me..as a single woman *blushing* I do hope this year could happened...But..the main point is... where are you my "Mr. Good Enough"? I have been waiting for you until now... I do hope God could send me my Mr Good Enough this year.. *kneel and praying*
- Travelling to Bang Kok and Korea
I do like travelling!! and I really need it this year!! I have past a tough and hard days in office..and I need long vacation and it's travelling abroad!! But I also like to travelling in other islands in Indonesia, it's nice too! But the most I like to travel To South Korea... It's because I like watch korean drama series and I like that places..I learn their language too..hehehe... I hope this year I could go there... yeah Bang Kok ...because I never go to this place..Phuket and Chiang Mai were done, and never been in the this Thailand capital city yet! Can't wait for this April to go there, while still praying to go to South Korea *waiting and praying to God for miracle to go there*
- Study Abroad with Scholarship
This is my dream since I graduated from university, but I'm too excited to have a job, and 5 years I have been in comfort zone and never have this study abroad with scholarship programs :(
I want to take another master for Child development or communications.. (tired with economy, finance or accounting) because to fulfill my big vision and dream!! Still struglling and pray for it! *Hoping a miracles and a way to go there..praying and fasting*
- TOEFL certificate with good grade result
To go abroad I must done with it..Target I must get at least 580..My God..such an impossible things..But..I have Jesus and He could all things are POSSIBLE... with hard effort and studying TOEFL, I can make it ..Could you pray for me? *praying and study hard*
- Lovable Sunday School Teacher
Make changes and good improvement skills as Sunday School teacher and give the best to my kids in Sunday School! I hope they can feel and catch the excitement with me and with our Sunday School!
Okay..that's my wish lists...Please pray for me ya friends..So I can make it all happen this year! if it's not..of course that still be my next goals in 2012..but I really wish and pray I could make it in this 2011...And with God everything is possible, Amen!!!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Pernahkah kau merasa?
This couple days make me feel so down... I feel tired with what I'm doing in my work...
Kelelahan ini bukanlah kelelahan secara fisik, tapi secara mental dan spiritual. Sedih dan miris kalau melihat apa yang sudah terjadi dan kondisi yang ada di sekitar. Setiap hari aku harus melakukan pemberesan, memaafkan diri sendiri dan memaafkan orang yang dengan seenaknya memerintah tanpa melihat konsekuen dan apa yang sudah dan atau apa yang harus dilakukan. Sedih banget..sampai nangis, bukan karena emosi, tapi karena kok bisa ya ada orang yang seperti itu?
Pernahkah kau merasa ketika, setiap kerja keras dan keringat yang telah kau lakukan dengan susah payah, tapi tidak dihargai?
Pernhah kau merasa ketika keegoisan sendiri oleh orang lain dan di taati malah dihargai dengan sangat?
Pernahkah kau merasa ketika engkau dilupakan?
Pernahkah kau merasa ketika engkau sudah melakukan sesuatu sesuai peraturan dan informasi yang disampaikan, tapi karena permintaan mendadak yang tidak di informasikan sebelum, akhirnya semua itu menjadi tidak bisa?
Pernahkah kau merasa akhirnya tidak ada yang membela dan harus tunduk pada suatu otoritas yang berdasar?
Pernahkah kau merasa bahwa WARNA bisa menjadi masalah yg besar..BIG DEALS?
Pernahkahkah kau merasa akhirnya diam dan mengalah pada keegoisan orang lain?
Pernahkah kau merasa harus dipaksa mengalah kepada hal yang tidak kau inginkan?
Pernahkah...pernakah..pernahkah kau?
Begitu banyak pernahkah..and It's happened to me...from same person ...!!
Yeah... nobody is perfect kata orang-orang...tapi sampai kapan harus mengalah? sampai kapan kita harus diam pada ketololan dan kemunafikan?
Compassion...belas kasihan.... dimana belas kasihan mu, kata teman...
Tapi...kenapa itu tidak ditanyakan kepada orang itu?
Mature...kedewasaan...dimana kedewasaan mu, kata teman...
Tapi bukankah dia lebih dewasa dan berpengalaman, bisakah ditanyakan padanya?
Patience...kesabaran..tunjukkan kesabaranmu, kata teman...
Tapi bukankan sudah 5 tahun lebih aku bersabar, bagaimana dengan dia?
Wisdom...bijak... bersikap lah bijak kepada orang yang tidak bersikap bijak, kata teman....
Tapi..bisakah dia bersikap bijak pada orang lain?
Sedih, miris, dan hancur hati..ketika harus melihat sosok yang hanya mementingkan harga diri, status dan posisi...
For the sake of children..tapi..apakah itu datang dari hati?
For the sake of chidlren...dan datang dari hati..aku masih bertahan...bertahan..sampai Tunggu waktu yang tepat!!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Office moving and my Hot Choco!

This end of month to the beginning of month make me kinda busy...my office are in office moving process... We're going to leave old office which is the place is small with our capacity..the staff, stuffs, materials,etc...
But despite of office moving process..my tasks as accountant must going on..the financial report should be send to our main office at Colorado.. Mmppffhh.. And that's means monthly closing process must go on!! In First Sweet February all staff already packing they computer, laptop, stuffs, etc
While me and my 2 assistants, my team, are busy with this works!
Some are they laughing, talking while packing...and my team..we're busy with this system on our computer...
We must done ASAP while we must keep good result, all must accurate and complete!! This 2 days of February, me and Linda my assistant, going home so lately! We're finished in 10 pm and the last day we're done on 10.30 pm...wow..what a record!!
and most of all..the fabolous thing is there always my sweet friend..my best friend..my H O T C H O C O L A T E!!!
It keep me smile, spirit, and recharge me!! Hot Choco from Delfi with Saltchesse choco wafer.. Ahh..I like it!!
Now my team is ready for packing!! We're ready to move!
Good bye my old office..I've been with this building for 5 years and 3 months...woww!! My first workplace building! I like that location..near with Baystreet Cafe (many cafe and restaurants and they're near direct with the beach) from my office I can see sunset..because it's near from the beach. Every morning I always go to the Freshmart supermarket, and buy some breakfast, snacks, cookies and some drinks there..
But it's small..we've small building..
But now..we're ready for new office building..
We'll see what's coming there..
But one thing for sure..
My team...we've got huge room..more wide than our room before...
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